Video Gallery
Video Clip of the Week
- Steve shows off his karaoke skills during a down moment in the production of First Person.
- Shalisa uses a video diary to reflect on turning 18 and becoming “grown.”
- During a video diary, Kurtis discusses his legal troubles and wrestles with the pressures of the streets.
- The students of John Wister Elementary School have created their own short movie in response to First Person!
- Shalisa, her sisters, and her mom demonstrate their wootangin skills during a dollar party.
- Macho discusses returning to his neighborhood high school after leaving a prestigious college prep program.
- Fresh gives a short tour of his neighborhood during a video diary.
- Steve reflects on his experiences in First Person during his final interview.
- In her final video diary, Malikka reflects on her two years in First Person.
- Macho gets emotional as he talks about striving to make his family proud.
- Fresh raps about the pressures of day to day life.
- Kurtis’ father provides a glimpse of life in the Civil Air Patrol.
- Shalisa discusses violence in her school during a video diary.
- Steve and a friend perform a heartfelt rendition of ‘Its So Hard to Say Goodbye’ during graduation.